HANA Application (C_HANAIMP_13) preparation guide helps you to get focused on exam. This guide also helps you to be on C_HANAIMP_13 exam track to get certified with good score in the final exam.
C_HANAIMP_13HANA Application Exam Summary
Exam Name: SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA 2.0 (SPS01)
Level: Associate
Exam Price: $500 (USD)
Duration: 180 mins
Number of Questions: 80
Passing Score: C_HANAIMP_13 - 60%
Schedule Exam: SAP Training OR Pearson VUE
Sample Questions: SAP HANAIMP 13 Certification Sample Question
Recommended Practice: SAP HANAIMP 13 Certification Practice Exam
Exam Syllabus: C_HANAIMP_13 SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA 2.0
1. Information views
Demonstrate competency in the creation of the three types of information views.
Books: HA300 OR LH – LR SAP HANA Modeling
2. Modeling functions
Demonstrate detailed knowledge of the features that apply to various types of models.
Books: HA300 OR LH – LR SAP HANA Modeling
3. SAP HANA architecture, deployment scenarios and use cases
Describe the value of SAP HANA, discuss use cases, explain the key technology and scenarios for deployment.
Books: HA100 OR LH – LR SAP HANA Modeling
4. Advanced Data Processing
Demonstrate a basic understanding of advanced modeling techniques.
Books: HA100, HA300 OR LH – LR SAP HANA Modeling
5. Management and administration of models
Demonstrate thorough knowledge of the tools used to manage models.
Books: HA300 OR LH – LR SAP HANA Modeling
6. Optimization of models
Optimize models using available tools and best practices.
Books: HA300 OR LH – LR SAP HANA Modeling
7. SQL and SQLScript
Explain how to apply SQL and SQLScript in SAP HANA.
Books: HA300 OR LH – LR SAP HANA Modeling
8. Consumption of SAP HANA models
Consume models for analytics.
Books: HA100 OR LH – LR SAP HANA Modeling
9. Security in SAP HANA modeling
Implement security for model creation and consumption.
Books: HA300 OR LH – LR SAP HANA Modeling
10. Virtual Data models in SAP HANA
Describe in detail the HANA Live solution.
Books: HA300 OR LH – LR SAP HANA Modeling
11. Key concepts of HANA Data Provisioning
Provide data to SAP HANA from various sources in real time and batch.
Books: HA100 OR LH – LR SAP HANA Modeling
SAP C_HANAIMP_13Certification Sample Questions and Answers
To make you familiar with HANA Application (C_HANAIMP_13) certification exam structure, we have prepared this sample question set. We suggest you to try our Sample Questions for HANA Application 2.0 C_HANAIMP_13 Certification to test your understanding of SAP C_HANAIMP_13 process with real SAP certification exam environment.
C_HANAIMP_13HANA Application Sample Questions
01. Why would you implement the SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation?
a) To add OLAP data warehousing capabilities to SAP HANA
b) To implement an SQL-driven approach to data warehousing
c) To improve the loading and reporting performance of SAP Business Warehouse
d) To enable reporting on SAP HANA data using the full suite of SAP BusinessObjects
02. What is included with the Predictive Analysis Library (PAL)?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) Data preparation functions
b) Text mining functions
c) Predictive algorithms
d) Flowgraphs
03. In a calculation view, what should you consider when you create an input parameter that derives its value from a user-defined function?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) The input parameter must be set to mandatory.
b) The generated value can be overwritten at runtime.
c) The function can return multiple values.
d) The function must be of the type scalar.
04. Which of the following are characteristics of SAP HANA Smart Data Streaming?
a) It uses databases queries.
b) It is a standalone product for use with any target system.
c) It acts based on combinations of events.
d) It provides reports and analysis on the received data.
05. You imported the following objects. Which of them always require an activity from you before they can be built?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) Synonyms definition
b) Multi-target application
c) Logical schema definition
d) SAP HANA database module
06. Which table partitioning types does SAP HANA support?
There are 3 correct answers to this question.
a) Hash
b) Composite
c) Round-robin
d) Cluster
e) Range
07. Why do you create a time dimension calculation view?
a) To support temporal joins in a cube calculation view with star schema
b) To enhance a calculation view with a drilldown on a time hierarchy
c) To provide date-based help values for a DIRECT type input parameter
d) To enable time dependency on parent-child hierarchies
08. Why should you use variables in SQL Script?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) To implement flow control logic
b) To support processing push-down
c) To increase parallelization opportunities
d) To improve code readability
09. What are the rules for defining a stepparent in a hierarchy?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) A stepparent only applies to parent-child hierarchies.
b) The stepparent node must already exist in the hierarchy at any level.
c) The stepparent node ID must be entered according to the node style you selected for the hierarchy.
d) The stepparent node must already exist in the hierarchy at the root level.
10. Why might you want to reference a user-provided service in a project?
a) To access data from another container
b) To access data from a classic database schema
c) To access data from your project container
QUESTION: 01- Answer: B
QUESTION: 02- Answer: A, C
QUESTION: 03- Answer: B, D
QUESTION: 04- Answer: C
QUESTION: 05- Answer: B, D
QUESTION: 06- Answer: A, C, E
QUESTION: 07- Answer: B
QUESTION: 08- Answer: C, D
QUESTION: 09- Answer: C, D
QUESTION: 10- Answer: B